Preview 3rd party data inside Google Docs

Get inline previews for links to apps like GitHub, Linear, Figma, and others inside your Google Docs.

Without StellarPreviews

Your docs without StellarPreviews

No context on the data that is linked, requiring you to navigate to a 3rd party application for more context.

With StellarPreviews

Your docs with StellarPreviews

View contextual information about the link inline without switching context and breaking your flow.

Get started in three easy steps

Getting started with StellarPreviews to gain better insight into 3rd party website links takes three easy steps

Sign up with your Google account

Create a new StellarPreviews account by signing in with your Google Workspace account.

Connect your 3rd party accounts

Enable the 3rd party applications you want to use and connect those accounts.

Install the Google Docs Add-on

Install our Google Docs Add-on and get instant previews from your 3rd party applications

Sign up for our free Beta release


StellarPreviews is free to use during our Beta phase. Pricing plans will be announced at a later stage.